Friday, March 17, 2006

Little has gone my way in my life thus far but SLAYER, MASTODON AND LAMB OF GOD ARE TOURING TOGETHER THIS SUMMER, so what difference could the foregoing twenty-odd years possibly make? "That's my dream line-up" has been said about many a tour, surely, but anyone who's said it about any other lineup, even decades ago, was totally full of retroactive shit because SLAYER, MASTODON AND LAMB OF GOD ARE TOURING TOGETHER THIS SUMMER.

Dear Dillinger Escape Plan:

Some - a great many - of your songs are so heavy, are such an onslaught that my breath is literally taken away. Clean away, as by a blast of Artic air upon exiting a greenhouse, say. And some of your songs sound like Nine Inch Nails. Explain, please? Me and this adorable kid who only smiles with one side of his janky mouth are wondering.


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